Dr. John Hilton, Principal
Dear Parents and Students:
I am pleased to welcome you to Millwood Elementary School. The faculty and
staff are excited about working with you. We need your help and support as
we strive to provide for the academic, moral, physical, and social development
of your child. Our goal is to furnish educationally enriching,
stimulating, and enjoyable activities which recognize the varied abilities of
each student.
This is an exciting time to be part of the Millwood family. We will
need help from teachers, parents, and the community to meet the needs of our
students here at Millwood.
This web site provides information concerning the goals, policies, and services
at Millwood. We have high standards. We expect and encourage all our
students to do their very best. The policies and procedures outlined here
were established in order to provide an environment in which each child has the
best opportunity to grow and learn.
I am proud of the tradition of excellence which has been established by Millwood
students over the years. These accomplishments were realized because of a
team effort put forth by the students, parents, and teachers. I look
forward to working with each of you as we strengthen this team. We
will be counting on your participation each day to encourage and help your child
with his or her academic, social, and ethical responsibilities at Millwood
School. The future of our community rests upon the development and
enrichment of our children. We at Millwood are dedicated to helping our
students and our community.
Dr. John B. Hilton, Jr.