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Empowering students to achieve academic excellence |
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Fees The mission of Millwood Elementary School is to empower students to achieve academic excellence and become responsible, respectful citizens. To achieve this mission we will provide a challenging and diverse educational foundation in a safe and nurturing environment.
Millwood 's Learner Standards
Millwood 's School and Student Responsibilities The School and its personnel are responsible for:
Students are expected to:
Dear Parents and Students: Letter from the PTA President Dear Parents and Teachers, As President of the Millwood Elementary School PTA, I would like to welcome our students, parents and teachers back for what I know is going to be another successful year at Millwood. First, I would like to express my thanks to our membership for allowing me to serve another year as President of our PTA. Our focus this year will be to work with the school administration to improve the teaching process and encourage parent volunteers in an effort to help our children to be successful learners. We will continue to do our part to make the PTA a ready partner with our school for the success of all of our children. Our theme for the 2004-2005 school year is “Building the future one child at a time.” We have chosen this theme because we know that the future of our nation depends on the success of our children. Moreover, we have to be concerned with the needs of each child and what it takes to prepare him or her for a successful educational experience. Your PTA board believes that with our dedicated teachers, parent volunteers, and the strong leadership we have at Millwood, we can make this theme a reality. Our PTA board members are: We are all dedicated to serving Millwood and making this year a great year for the Millwood family. Thanks for your confidence in us and we look forward to working with you to make Millwood Elementary the best school in South Carolina.
Sincerely, Letter from the Teacher of the Year Dear Parents, Hello and welcome to a new school year—to fresh starts, to new beginnings and to endless opportunities! My hope for you and your children in 2004-2005 is that it be a school year filled with SUCCESS! SUCCESS is defined as a favorable outcome. I believe SUCCESS begins in the mind as an attitude or as a way of thinking and then develops into habits and patterns of behavior that result in favorable outcomes. As we work together, we can help guide our children toward many favorable outcomes! We can help our children plan for SUCCESS. I’m reminded of a great example. A few years ago, I received a visit from a former student and her mother. They stopped by at the beginning of a new year to say hello. They also informed me of their plan to work toward receiving specific awards at the end of the year. Wow! I was impressed! They were making plans at the beginning to have a successful ending. We can help our kids do the same. There will be challenges. One will involve helping children understand that there is a cost to SUCCESS. It does not come easily. It requires a personal investment of time, hard work, and commitment. It also requires making responsible choices and changing habits that don’t result in SUCCESS. We can celebrate with our children when their outcomes are favorable, and we can help them learn from outcomes that are unfavorable. By helping our children in ways such as these and by working together, we will have a “SUCCESS-filled” school year!
The School Day Parents should not bring students to school before 7:30 a.m. Students for the afternoon preschool classes should not arrive before 11:30. Students arriving late for school must report to the office for a pass to class. When students arrive at school they are to report to the playground in the rear of the building. They should enter the playground through the various pedestrian gates leading into the playground (Horseshoe, Crestwood Drive, bike rack, fifth grade courtyard). No students will be allowed to enter the playground through the bus gates. Students will enter the building when the bell sounds. During inclement weather, when raining or very cold, students may enter the building upon arrival at school rather than report to the playground. Parents picking up their children are asked to do so promptly. Students in the morning preschool classes must be picked up at 10:45 a.m. to allow teachers an opportunity to eat lunch. All students are to leave the school grounds immediately upon dismissal. Supervision cannot be provided past 2:45 p.m. Those students not picked up by 2:45 will be placed in Extended Care and parents will be billed for this service. Students staying after school for whatever reason must be picked up when the activity is scheduled to end. We cannot provide supervision for students after school unless they are enrolled in our Extended Day Care Program. Brothers, sisters, and friends may not stay after school and “wait on” other students. Students not directly involved in after school activities will be placed in extended care and parents will be billed for this service. If students are not picked up within 15 minutes after regular dismissal or within 15 minutes of the end of their after-school activity, they will be placed in our Extended Care Program. This includes students being picked up by Day Care vans who have not arrived by 2:45 p.m. All after-school detentions will end at 3:00, unless otherwise stipulated. Therefore, all students staying for regular after-school detention must be picked up no later than 3:15. If not, the student will be placed in Extended Care. An $8.00 fee will be charged to you each time your child is placed in Extended Care. This charge will be added to the student’s fee card in the same manner as instructional fees or lost book fees. We are taking this measure to insure the proper supervision and safety of our students at Millwood. THE POLICY CONCERNING DISCIPLINE AT MILLWOOD Discipline, like education, is everyone’s business. We believe children have a right to attend a school that is free from unnecessary disruptions, safe and emotionally stable for all. It takes students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and the entire community working together to make this happen. All school personnel work hard to eliminate unacceptable misbehavior such as: Classroom disruptions; disrespect for self, fellow students, and adults; use of ugly words and gestures; any actions which may harm self or fellow students (fighting, throwing objects, hitting, pushing, kicking, etc.); intimidation, threatening or coercion of any kind; the bringing of anything to school which might disrupt the educational process or endanger any student or adult; damaging or defacing school or other property; borrowing, using or taking another persons property without the individual’s or teacher’s consent; being habitually unprepared; leaving school grounds without permission; failure to follow instructions; and other unacceptable behavior. In the past we have discovered that some students have brought objects to school or school-sponsored functions which could be used to inflict injury on others. Examples of such objects are metal tools or tool parts, and double and triple metal rings which are made to fit over two or three fingers. Please be informed that any objects which are not needed for school work and which could be used as hand-held weapons or as projectiles to injure other persons will not be tolerated in District 17 schools, at school functions, or on school buses. Students who are found to have such objects in their possession will be referred for dismissal just as are those who are found to have actual weapons in their possession. Our primary responsibility is to provide a safe environment for all children. Weapons and other dangerous objects have no place at school. Parents are asked to assist us by ensuring that such things remain off campus. Sometimes it is necessary for teachers, parents, or the administration to discipline students in order to help them learn and/or change their behavior. It is our job as parents and educators to help students learn to behave in a way that is socially acceptable and in a way that will not prevent them or others from learning the academic content presented in class. Most often we try to provide positive incentives in order to motivate students to behave in an acceptable manner. Unfortunately, discipline must sometimes become punitive in nature. In order to maintain an environment free from unnecessary disruption and safe (physically and emotionally) for all, our school board supports the use of the following disciplinary actions: Counseling by teacher, counselor, principal, district office personnel or approved agency outside the school district; detention at recess or after school; assignment to a work detail; corporal punishment (paddling); suspension for up to five days; recommendation for expulsion from school; other means which may be approved by district officials. While the school is not required to seek parental permission to take action for student misbehavior, parents will be notified prior to keeping a child after normal school hours. Parents are encouraged to contact school officials (teacher, counselor, principal) to discuss disciplinary procedures or to become further informed about the policies and practices of Millwood School. Lunch Lunch The lunchroom at Millwood is Computerized. This computer system allows parents to pay for their child’s meal whenever it is most convenient, (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc...). When your child brings lunch money it will be credited to an account in his/her name. Each time your child eats, the cost of his/her meal will be subtracted from his/her balance. When a child’s account has only enough money for two more meals, your child will be given a notice to inform you that more money needs to be deposited. We ask that at least one week’s lunches be paid for at a time. To speed up lunch service, students should bring money to pay for lunches in the morning before 7:45 a.m. If at any time you have a question about your child’s account please call the cafeteria manager, Mrs. Rhonda Reynolds, at 775-0649 between the hours of 9-11 a.m. Parents interested in applying for free or reduced lunch should make sure the applications are completely filled out. We will notify parents of the child’s lunch and breakfast status within the first ten days of school. Students are allowed to bring bag lunches. The food or drinks a student brings must be eaten in the cafeteria at lunch time. Students are not allowed to bring candy or chewing gum. Breakfast Breakfast is served from 7:15-7:45 each morning. Breakfast is offered free to all students. Lunchroom Behavior Student behavior in the cafeteria is based on courtesy and cleanliness. Students should remain seated in the cafeteria until they are instructed by their teacher to put up their trays and line up to return to their classroom. At no time are students to take food out of the cafeteria. Parents are welcome to eat with their children at any time. BOOK STORE SUPPLIES Pencils $.10 each EXTENDED CARE Supervised care of students after school, including snacks, organized play, and time allotted to do homework, are offered in our after school day care. Younger siblings, age 3 before Sept. 1, may also use this program. HOURS Weekly Fees Full Day 7:45-2:30 $62.00 In-Service/ 7:45-5:30 $14.00 Students using these services on a daily schedule, 1,
2, or 3 days per week, must pay the daily rate. Credit will not be given for missed days by the child. Admission and
Attendance Requirements
A Student will be counted lawfully absent (excused) for the following reasons:
DRESS Students will be expected to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Any form of dress or hairstyle which is considered contrary to good hygiene or which is distracting or disruptive in appearance and detrimental to the purpose or conduct of the school will not be permitted. All students will be required to wear shoes. Hats, open midriff tops, miniskirts, mini dresses, short-shorts, tube tops, fishnet shirts, halter tops, tank tops, transparent clothing, or shirts with obscene printing on them will not be permitted. Pants waistband may not be worn at hip level (no sagging). For the younger students, please print their names on coats, hats, sweaters, book bags, lunch boxes, etc., in case they are lost. TELEPHONE Students may not use the office telephone for personal calls except in the case of an emergency and with staff permission. Only in the case of an emergency will students be called out of class. Transportation for after school activities should be taken care of and students informed of the arrangements before they leave home in the morning. VANDALISM Students who break, destroy, or vandalize school property will be required to pay for losses or damages. If a student willfully destroys school property, suspension will be necessary. If a student happens to damage something by accident, the student should report it to the teacher or the office immediately. INCLEMENT WEATHER During inclement weather, students will be allowed to sit down in the hallway before school. If school should ever be dismissed early for inclement weather, students will be allowed to call and buses will run. Students who cannot be picked up promptly will wait in the cafeteria. Parents should pay close attention to radio and TV broadcasts during threatening weather for information concerning school closing. A decision will usually be made by 6:00 a.m. EMERGENCY CARDS These cards provide valuable information when contacting parents. They are used in the health room, by the office, and the classroom teacher. It is very important that any information on this card be accurate and up to date. If you move or change phone numbers, please come in and make the necessary changes. Contacts on the card will be called when students are sick or need to be picked up for various reasons. Only persons listed on the card will be allowed to pick up students from school. KEEP THIS CARD UP TO DATE! SIGNING OUT STUDENTS Parents should send a note on those days when they wish students to leave school prior to regular dismissal time. Students must be signed out in the office. Parents may NOT go to classes to pick up students. All parents must report to the office. Students will be called to the office over the public address system. VALUABLES Students should not bring toys, unnecessary money or valuables to school without the consent of the teacher. All bicycles should be locked in the bike rack. LOST AND FOUND Lost clothing will be placed on clothes hooks along the hall. Please put your child’s name somewhere on coats and sweaters. STUDENT INTERNET ACCESS The use and importance of the Internet as an educational research tool has grown significantly over the past few years. The Internet permits connection to sites outside the school where a wealth of valuable information is available. Most Internet sites provide useful information and are worthy of being contacted. However, the Internet also has sites that are not appropriate for students to visit. At Millwood we have installed a device on computers connected to the Internet to monitor and prevent visits to inappropriate sites. Teachers also closely monitor student use of the Internet. Some parents, however, may still have some reservations about their child using the Internet at school. In order for students to use the Internet, parental permission is required. We will provide permission forms to be signed by parents and returned to the school. More information regarding the Internet and the district network is available in the Millwood office. MEDICATION If it becomes necessary for a student to take any form of medication at school, a parent must sign a form in the office. A Parent or Guardian must bring all medication to school in the original labeled bottle. This includes over the counter medication. All medication will be kept in and dispensed through the health room Students are not allowed to bring ANY type of medication to school. Students MAY NOT keep medication with them.
HOME/SCHOOL COMMUNICATION REPORT CARDS Report cards for K -5th grades are sent home every nine weeks. The specific dates are listed on the calendar. Progress reports for preschool students are sent home twice a year. GRADING SCALE Grades 1-12 “A” =From 93 to 100 “B” =From 85-92 “C” =From 77-84 “D” =From 70-76 “F” =Below 70 (No credit earned) Kindergarten Preschool-Mastery Checklist Skill Areas “S”=Satisfactory Social Development Work Habits “N”=Improvement Needed Physical Development Language Development “-”=To Be Checked Later Number Development Readiness INTERIM REPORTS Interim reports are sent home between reporting periods to all students in grades 1-5. CONFERENCES Parent and teacher conferences are highly encouraged throughout the school year. Conferences may be arranged by a letter or by telephone. Teachers cannot be pulled from class for impromptu conferences. Please make an appointment in advance. Parent/teacher conferences are mandated by the state for students who do not meet state standards on the PACT. PARENT VISITATION OF CLASSES Parents are always welcome at Millwood School. Parents are asked to notify teachers of visits prior to coming to the classroom. You are asked to go by the office to sign-in and receive a tag designating you as a visitor. Teachers cannot be pulled from class for conferences unless they have been scheduled in advance. PHONE CALLS AND NOTES Teachers and parents frequently communicate by telephone and/or notes. Teachers often request that notes, class work, or test papers be signed and returned to them. Please be responsive to such requests which are attempts to keep you informed of your child’s progress. CHILDREN’S WORK Teachers will send samples of children’s work home each week. Please go over these papers with your child and contact the teacher if you have questions or concerns. NOTICES AND OBLIGATIONS The school and/or PTA frequently send notices home to provide parents with important information concerning activities and functions. Please check your child’s book bag each day for notes from school. The PTA publishes a school newsletter several times a year to keep you informed. The school newsletter, “Millwood School Scoop”, is published about once a month. HOMEWORK FOLDER All students in grades 1-5 will bring home a homework folder and a homework assignment sheet each day. The purpose of this folder is to help your child learn more. We believe when students complete their homework each night, learning increases. We also believe when parents expect homework is to be completed, students do a better job on their homework. The check off sheet will have your child’s homework assignments each day. We are asking that you sign the check-off sheet every day. Your signature will indicate that you are aware of your child’s homework assignments for that day and you expect your child to correctly complete the assignments. When parents and teachers work together, our children gain more from their experiences at school. We thank you for your cooperation and expect your support as we strengthen our team of parents and teachers pulling together for the benefit of our children. Guidance The purpose of the guidance program is to help each individual student grow mentally, emotionally, and socially. We try to do this in the following ways: 1. Helping the new student feel at home in our school with new teachers and friends in a different setting. 2. Providing individual conferences whenever a student, teacher, parent, or counselor deems it necessary. 3. Scheduling individual, group, and classroom guidance. 4. Coordinating a testing program designed to help the student learn as much as possible about his/her capabilities. 5. Promoting contact between the school and local civic, health, and social agencies. The counselor welcomes the opportunity to talk things over with any student, parent, or teacher. Testing Program Dial -3-This test is given to Preschoolers to assess the student’s skills and development, such as number skills, auditory and visual discrimination, and language. South Carolina Readiness Assessment-Kindergarten and First Grade students are evaluated using the SCRA. This assessment uses teacher observation and student work to determine the academic and social development of each individual student. Results are reported to parents during a conference the following school year. CogAT-The Cognitive Abilities Test is a norm-referenced test that measures important verbal, non-verbal and quantitative reasoning skills such as the ability to comprehend problem situations, detect similarities and differences, make inferences and deductions, classify and categorize objects, events and other stimuli, create and adapt problem-solving strategies and use familiar concepts and skills in new context. The results of these tests indicate how each student compares to other students across the nation and are used to assist in the identification of students who are qualified for the gifted and talented academic programs. Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test (PACT) - This is a state mandated test given to third, fourth, and fifth grade students in the spring. These tests are aligned to grade-by-grade standards that have been approved by the State Board of Education. Standards-based assessment measures how well a student has learned the content and skills outlined in a set of standards. These standards designate what students should know and be able to do in a subject area at a grade level. Since these standards-based assessments are also criterion-referenced, each student can pass these standards-based assessments if they have learned the required content and skills at the level of proficiency designated. In other words, the PACT tests have been designed to measure how well students have learned the content and skills that have been taught at each grade level in grades three through eight. Psychological Services Students who are evaluated by a school psychologist and determined to have a learning disability or special needs may receive special services. Most special needs students are served by our resource teachers who provide instruction to the child for a part of the day. Each special needs child will have an Individualized Education Program. District 17 provides services for a wide variety of disabilities including hearing, vision, speech, learning, and emotional. Speech Speech therapy is provided to all students who qualify from preschool through fifth grade. To determine eligibility, students must be screened by our speech therapists. Library Every student at Millwood will visit the library at least once a week with his/her class. During the weekly class visit, the students will check out books. Other activities may include reading, doing research, using computers, or listening to stories and songs. When a student checks out a library book, he or she is responsible for the book until it has been returned to the library. If a student loses a book, it must be paid for before another book is checked out. Lost library books must be paid for by the last day of student attendance if a report card is to be issued to the student. The school urges you to help your child treat library materials with special care and to return them on time. The librarian is always available if you need special help for your child. Incentive Awards In order to encourage our students to do their best, we provide recognition and awards for their positive achievement. Those classes with perfect attendance for the week receive popcorn on Friday. We hold an assembly each quarter and present ribbons or “Principal’s Pal” buttons to students who have made the honor roll, exhibited good behavior, and maintained perfect attendance for the quarter. Sunshine Math and Accelerated Reader are programs designed to encourage extra participation in math and reading. Students receive “Millwood Bucks” for successfully completing activities in these programs. These “bucks” are then cashed in at our school store for prizes and merchandise. Magnificent Mustang slips are given to students for good citizenship and appropriate behavior. A drawing is held each day and those students whose names are drawn receive 5 Millwood Bucks. Those students making straight A’s each quarter are presented a “silver dollar” by the National Bank of South Carolina, one of our business partners. At the end of the year teachers present numerous awards and recognition to the students in their classes. Other incentives include our Terrific Kid program each week and Citizens of the Month. Each Friday, students are allowed to bring “good papers” to the office and receive a treat. Miscellaneous Playground Rules for Students Student safety is very important here at Millwood. We want students to enjoy themselves, have fun, and not get hurt on the playground. Below are some simple playground rules to help students have a good and safe time while playing on the playground and on the playground equipment. 1. SLIDES A. Go to the top of the slide using the steps only. Do
not walk up the slide or run down it. 2. SWINGS A. Please do not stand in the swings. 3. MONKEY BARS A. No standing or sitting on top of the monkey bars. 4. VOLLEYBALL NET STANDS A. These are to be used for volleyball only. 5. FOOTBALL A. Students may play only tag football. TACKLE
FOOTBALL IS NOT ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 6. SOCCER A. Students playing soccer must use the open field well
away from the swings and other playground equipment. 7. JUNGLE GYMS A. Students must not run on the swinging bridge. 8. BLEACHERS A. The bleachers are for sitting not standing. 9. PICNIC SHELTER Shoes must be worn at all times on the playground! STUDENTS TRANSPORTED BY CAR - Students who are brought to school by car may be dropped off and picked up at three locations: (1) driveway off the Wedgefield Hwy across from the BI-Lo (2) along Crestwood Drive at the back of the playground, or (3) at the main entrance of the school off the Pinewood Road. ONLY BUSES AND TEACHERS WILL BE ALLOWED THROUGH THE BUS GATES WHICH ENTER THE SCHOOL YARD. NO DROP OFF BY CAR IN THE BUS DRIVEWAY. Afternoon Pickup: This schedule is designed to more evenly divide traffic between the front and rear of school during afternoon pick up. Students will be divided by grade level for pickup. Front entrance of school (off Pinewood Rd.) Grades 1, 4, and 5. Wedgefield Road parking lot (Grades K, 2, and 3.) Crestwood Drive-all grades except Kindergarten. *If you have children in more than one grade, you should pick up ALL students where the youngest child is assigned and have your older children report to that area with the youngest child. All Day Care vans will pick up at the Wedgefield Parking lot. In our efforts to move evenly and divide traffic, we are asking that all Day Care vans (every grade level) pick up at the Wedgefield Road parking lot. DO NOT PARK IN THE STUDENT LOADING AND UNLOADING AREA OF THE WEDGEFIELD ROAD PARKING LOT. Please note that the Horseshoe is a one way driveway. Students being dropped off on Crestwood should enter the playground through the small pedestrian gates. Students will not be allowed to come through the bus gates. Likewise, students being dropped off at the front entrance should enter the playground through the pedestrian gates. STUDENTS TRANSPORTED BY BUS - School bus services are provided for children in kindergarten through fifth grade if they live more than one and one half miles from the school. Disruptive behavior on the bus will not be tolerated. We ask that any student having problems on the bus discuss it with the bus driver, school principal or assistant principal. Students who misbehave on the bus may be given recess detention, paddled, or suspended from riding the bus. MEETING THE BUS 1. Be on time-help keep the bus on schedule. RIDING THE BUS 1. School officials or the bus driver may assign seats
when necessary. LEAVING THE BUS 1. Remain seated until the bus stops. Do not attempt to
leave the bus until it comes to a complete stop. Students in front seats will
leave the bus first. ALL CHANGES IN AFTERNOON TRANSPORTATION MUST BE IN WRITING. Phone calls to change transportation will only be accepted in case of an emergency. Your child should be made aware of how he/she is getting home before leaving for school in the morning. You should send a note with your child if any changes are being made, even if it is just for one day. FOUR YEAR OLD PRESCHOOL This programs enrollment is limited to 20 students per session. Sessions are for one half day and are taught by a teacher and aide. Millwood has one morning and one afternoon session. HOMEWORK In accordance with board policy, all students are given homework assignments on a regular basis. These assignments are expected to be completed and turned in. Usually no homework is given on Friday or the day before a holiday. PROMOTION STANDARDS Students not meeting district or state promotion standards at the end of the year will be required to repeat their current grade or attend summer school. At the conclusion of summer school, student's academic performances will be evaluated. A decision based on the academic performance will be made regarding the students placement for the following year. Students may be retained, promoted, or promoted on academic probation. Academic probation requires that students meet promotion standards during the probationary year or face automatic mandatory retention. INDIVIDUALIZED STUDENT ACADEMIC PLAN (ISAP) Those students that are not meeting district or state standards in reading or math will be required to have a plan to help them improve academic performance. The teacher, parent, and student will develop this academic plan together during a conference. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Millwood has a number of extra-curricular activities to offer. Participation in these activities will enhance your child’s social, moral, and physical growth and will contribute to his/her positive attitude towards self and others. SCIENCE FAIR Millwood is proud to sponsor an annual Science Fair. Our Science Fair has become the largest and finest in District 17. We encourage students at all grade levels to participate. Whole class participation is also encouraged. Students may enter projects in the following categories. 1. Collections Our Science Fair is usually held during the months of February or March. CHALLENGE-Program for Academically Gifted and Talented Students Sumter School District 17 offers a comprehensive program for students in grades three through twelve identified as academically gifted by meeting state-mandated criteria. The Challenge program offers intensive activities geared toward advanced learning in the curriculum through the state core curriculum standards and beyond with state-mandated standards for gifted and talented students. Students in grades three through five, who have been identified as academically gifted and talented, are served on a daily basis through the reading and/or math curriculum based on academic strength(s) by a teacher who has obtained the gifted teaching endorsement from the South Carolina Department of Education. The Challenge program is designed to address the needs of academically gifted students by providing instruction in specific content areas with an emphasis on rigor, depth, complexity and pacing. All students in grades two through eight are screened for possible identification into the gifted and talented program each year. Students new to the district or students who have not been identified through the census screening may be nominated for consideration by a parent, teacher, child, self or other interested person. Testing of new students who are nominated occurs upon entry to the district’s schools. For further information about the Challenge program, contact Tami Richardson at 934-9757. REACH (Reflecting Excellence And Creative Heights) Reach is an after school, regular school day, or summer program designed to develop the unique artistic talents of eligible students. The program’s areas of artistic study are visual arts, drama, and chorus. The visual art and drama programs are offered during a three week intensive session that ends with a production and exhibit. They are opened to eligible students in grades 4-12. Students are identified though a state-mandated audition process that begins with nominations by administrators, teacher, parents, peers, or the students themselves and culminates with a final screening (audition) by judges representing the specific artistic fields. Further information is available from teachers of the arts, the school guidance counselor or by contacting the coordinator of gifted and talented programs at 934-9757. P. E. Notes Your child will have P. E. once a week on the same day each week. For safety reasons, please make sure your child wears appropriate clothing and footwear. Loose fitting clothes and rubber soled shoes are required. The coach must be notified in writing of any medical conditions that may limit a child’s physical activity. Field Trips are scheduled for the educational value to the students. Millwood School has policies that must be followed for every trip. The policies include:
These policies are to ensure the safety and enjoyment of these trips for everyone involved. Thank you for your participation. Millwood is proud to sponsor an annual Science Fair. Our Science Fair has become the largest and finest in District 17. We encourage students at all grade levels to participate. Whole class participation is also encouraged. School
Related Activities The PTA sponsors a very active program for parents and other concerned adults to volunteer in various ways in the school program. You are strongly encouraged to become involved. As a volunteer, you will need to sign in at the office upon each visit. A visitor sticker will be given to you so you may work in the building. We are grateful and privileged to have a number of school business partners at Millwood School. We appreciate the help the civic minded leaders of these businesses have provided us. Likewise, we hope that we have provided some assistance to our partners as well. We look forward to the establishment of new partnerships during the coming year. Anyone who knows a business that would like to join us in Doing More for Children, please let us know. Our business partners for this past year included: The National Bank of South Carolina, Ward’s Barbecue, Fort Roofing, McDonald’s McCray’s Mill Road, Roofco, Animal Medical Clinic, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Aunt Susan’s Playschool, Miss Libby’s School of Dance, Piggly Wiggly-Savannah Plaza, Roger’s Market Greenhouse, State Tire, Dominoes, Bi-Lo, The Daisy Shop, and Baker’s Sweets. The Parent Involvement Program of Sumter School District 17 includes parent education, a parent resource mobile unit, school and district workshops, monthly newsletters, a parent resource center, parenting skills home visitation services, and parent centers in each elementary school. Parents may check out materials such as educational toys, cassette tapes, assistive devices, books, puzzles, and games from our school’s parent center, the district’s parent resource center or the parent resource mobile. School and district workshops are offered all year on a variety of subjects including PACT readiness, positive discipline, and grade level academic skills. Computer classes for parents are held at each elementary school. Each elementary school has a parent educator who makes home visits to help parents of children from birth to five prepare their children for preschool and kindergarten by providing readiness skills. For more information about parent involvement programs, please call the school at 775-0648, Mrs. Ramona Lies at 935-8286, or Dr. Virginia Alston Brown at 469-8536, ext. 233. |